Lionel Vayssieres

Lionel Vayssieres


Prof. Vayssieres got a MSc. in Chemical Physics (1990) and a PhD in Inorganic Chemistry (1995) for his pioneering research work on the Interfacial & thermodynamic growth control of metal oxide nanoparticles in aqueous solutions from the Université Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris, France. Thereafter, he joined Uppsala University, Sweden as a postdoctoral researcher to extend his concepts and develop purpose-built metal oxide nanomaterials and study their electronic structure by x-ray spectroscopies at synchrotron facilities. He was a visiting scientist at: UT Austin; UNESCO Centre for Macromolecules & Materials, Stellenbosch University and iThemba LABS, South Africa; Glenn T. Seaborg Center, Chemical Sciences Division, at LBNL; EPFL, Switzerland and an independent scientist at the National Institute for Materials Science in Japan. He has (co-)authored 100+ publications cited over 11300 times (4800+ since 2013, Google Scholar); Top 1% scientist in Materials Science. All-time 8 ESI Highly Cited papers (5 as first-author). He gave 390 lectures in 33 different countries at international conferences, universities, governmental and industrial institutes and acted as organizer, chairman, executive/advisory program committee member for major international projects worldwide.

Since 2003, the founding editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Nanotechnology, a referee for 80 SCI journals as well as for major funding agencies in Americas, Europe, Asia, and Africa and a guest scientist at LBNL.

Since 2012, he’s a full time 1000-talent scholar Professor at Xi’an Jiaotong University, China, co-founder and scientific director of the International Research Center for Renewable Energy (425 articles, 10000+ citations, 18 ESI Highly Cited Papers since inception). He’s also the recipient of the 2014 Sanqin Friendship Award, the 2016 National Chinese Government Friendship Award, one of the 2014-2017 most cited researchers in China in Materials Science (Scopus/Elsevier) and one of the 2016 Global Ambassador of the American Ceramic Society.

All session by Lionel Vayssieres

Frontiers of Photonics

9:00 - 12:00
Grand Ballroom B/C